Friday, May 11, 2012

The Coolest Children's Ministry

If you've ever visited a large church with generous resources, you've probably toured a children's ministry facility that made you weep.  You might see computer check in systems, professional environments, maybe even slides that drop kids from the second floor into their classrooms below.  Inevitably, you return to your own church basement and look at the $12 cardboard backdrop you painted yourself and you weep again.

I've lived on both sides of this scenario and I have one thing to say.  It barely matters at all.  I strive to gather resources I think will improve my ministry to kids.  I've even done it on a zero budget.  After a lifetime in children's ministry I have discovered that I will always try to create the coolest children's ministry I can, BUT it will never be the REASON my children's ministry is cool.  As much as I use the latest music, technology, curriculum, and environments, the thing that makes a ministry is not it's resources but it's content.  In the end, resources only make our job easier; they do not make our job.  Then what makes a ministry in which kids and parents want to stay?  The good news is that these time-tested methods are free, effective, and never go out of style.

Love - It's the most important thing in the universe.  Did the children and parents feel loved? Most kids will never remember a single lesson you teach or game you play, but they will remember how they felt when they were with you.  Ask anyone who grew up in church, nearly all have one or two Sunday School teachers that had a huge impact on their lives but few can remember any of the Bible lessons they taught.  They remember the love.

Truth - Don't water it down for the kids.  Demonstrate the miraculous.  Encourage Bible study and prayer in their daily lives.  Tell them to witness.  Teach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  I've seen huge flashy churches with no impact because all they teach is the superficial stuff.  I've also seen young spiritual champions emerge from a single classroom with blank walls spouting more Scripture than most Bible college graduates.  The Word of God and the Holy Spirit were all Jesus had and it's truthfully all you need.

Care - Notice people.  Ask about their lives.  Get personal.  Contact people who visit.  Follow up on everyone.  Call and visit them when they stop coming.  One church I was in started sending out miss-you cards to kids who missed 2 weeks attending.  We saw a 33% jump in attendance, just because we noticed they weren't there.  The bigger you get, the more people you need to accomplish this communication, but it means the world to people.

Leadership - Discipleship is so much more than a student learning from a teacher.  It's a mentor recreating himself in the life of someone who's willing to become just like him.  It's important to create this relationship with the kids but even more important to reproduce yourself in the leadership of your church. One person can only do so much.  You can never grow beyond what your leadership base can handle.  Bring people along side you as you do ministry like Jesus did.  Instill your passion in them.  Give them creative responsibilities.  You'll have a team of loving, truth-spouting, caring people that every family will want to be a part of.

You can have Disney World on your church campus and you'll be selling tickets at the door, but if you don't impact people's lives or exhibit the above traits all you've done is create a theme park.  The things that make an awesome children's ministry aren't bells and whistles, but the free, life-transforming gift of the Holy Spirit demonstrated in people's lives.  That's what's going to keep people coming back.

1 comment:

  1. Despite what I just wrote, some of you probably want to know where this picture was taken. It's from Kidz Turn, a children's evangelism team. They sell their sets every time they build new ones. to check them out.
